When you set a budget for a new home, you’re obviously hoping — maybe even expecting — to find the ideal property within that price range. But, it doesn’t always work out that way. In fact, there are many circumstances in which you might have to rethink your budget and ...
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When searching for a new home, many buyers will focus only on the list price and what they may need to offer to get the property. For example, a buyer might think, “We can get this house for $XX. That’s within our price range!” Of course, the selling price plays ...
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As you probably know, it’s easy to lower the costs of a renovation. Just hire an inexpensive, fly-by-night contractor — and hope for the best! Chances are, you won’t want to take that risk. So how do you ensure you get quality work while keeping your budget in check? Here ...
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If it’s been a while since you last moved, you might be wondering how much you’ll need to spend on your next home. That’s an important question to answer, even if you’re just at the “thinking about it” stage and haven’t decided whether or not you’ll look for a new ...
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